Monday, June 4, 2012

It's the Little Things... like little boys!

They say that little boys are made of "frogs and snails and puppy dog tails." Personally, I think there should be a word or two more tossed in there about things that creep, crawl, and get into wonderful messes.

And speaking of creeping and crawling... today was a BIG day for our ALL boy, little boy. In fact, if today had a theme it would be: Snakes and owls and eagles... oh my!! (Any little boy's dream, if you ask me!)

We spent a GREAT morning at the Humboldt Library Summer Reading Program. Today's program was "Birds of Prey," but also featured a few more creatures that "creep and crawl."

And yes, Max got to bravely TOUCH 2 different snakes and an owl!!!

Max touches the chicken snake.

Max touches the very rare mud snake... he was a cool little guy!

Saying goodbye to our new friend the chicken snake!

Perhaps the most impressive part of the day was the bald eagle:

Max even made his own cute paper plate creature:

Amazed at his owl-making abilities!

While Yakko and I were blown away with the snakes and especially the bald eagle... it may be safe to say that Max was most impressed by what we encountered on the way home:

...that's just our little BOY, though. :)

"Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable." -Plato


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