Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's the Little Things... like bubbles and flying cars!

I love that one of the things that captivates a person under the age of 6 the very most is chasing a bubble blowing through the air on a warm summer day. In fact, next to pulling puppy dog tails, I'd wager that bubbles would be right on up there on the 6-and-under list of favorites... or is it 106 years old and under?!  

The aim of our afternoon bubble adventure was to create bubbles with the following simple items:

1.) Bubble solution 2.) A paper OR a plastic cup (with a hole cut in the bottom of each cup)

All we had to do was dip the cups in the bubble solution and blow...

And... it was kind of a flop. The bubbles were big, but they didn't want to leave the cups, so we went to Creative Bubble Plan B: creating GIANT bubbles from looped string dipped in bubble solution. 

Result: AWESOME, gi-normous bubbles that were perfect to chase in the sunshine.

The "boys in the bubble" :) 

More bubble chasing:

You know, bubble blowing/chasing can really work up a person's appetite. So, a Tuesday night Sonic-run was a must... and this Sonic-run turned into quite the adventure!

I was excited to discover that I had a coupon for a free Route 44 drink. Now, if you've never had a Route 44 drink at Sonic before, if you can imagine drinking from a large bucket, you'd be right on target. The Route 44 is the super-size drink of Sonic-world. You may guess where this is going, but as soon as I pulled the bucket-sized drink into the car, my hand went completely through the cup... and that whole bucket of ice and drink poured into all nooks and crannies of the car, in my lap, everywhere!

What could you do but laugh?!
After a brief moment of silence and a split second decision to laugh rather than cry... I decided I wasn't so thirsty after all?! Now, for the sunshine from all of this (and one of the funniest comments of the day- and trust me when I say, we hear some pretty funny things fly out of the mouth of our Max):

To fly you through the next few minutes: we rushed home to get out of my very wet clothes. With step 1 being to scoop the ice from underneath the driver's seat, we quickly threw Max out of the car and basically had all doors open to bail out the Coke and ice.

Max, looking back at the car, got the happiest expression on his face. Jumping up and down, he pointed out to us his elation:

Max: "Mama, Dada... car... it's AIRPLANE!"

How very innovative of our 2 year old!! (Max frequently turns any of his toy trucks into airplanes by simply opening the doors to create "wings.") Why didn't I think of that?! There's always a silver-lining! :) I bet Max is dreaming of flying through the air in that car tonight.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children... to leave the world a better place... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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