Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's the Little Things... like a date night!

Max had a BIG first this week: his first overnight stay with Grandmother and Grandpa (his first overnight stay away from both Mama and Daddy). And, who are we kidding, Mama and Daddy had a pretty big first, too: our first overnight stay AWAY from our Max. 

I'll admit: I tried really hard not to let it hurt my feelings that I was the one with separation anxiety, not Max. (Could he not have cried a LITTLE when we left?!) We are very thankful for awesome grandparents that love their Max, too, though; Max had the best time. And although we missed him A LOT, we had ourselves a great date-night adventure, too! (But, ok, we're not afraid to admit that pretty much everything we saw or did reminded us of our little man!)

Date-night FUN! :)

Date-Night Stop 1: Pink Palace Museum + IMAX movie

We really enjoyed the dinosaur exhibit at the PP. But of course... it made us think of Max and his love of dinosaurs. And... we missed him!!
Giant polar bear: really cool... but we couldn't help but think about how Max would have thought this was so cool, too. And... we missed him!!
Even dancing like Elvis made us miss dancing with our Max!!

Date-night Stop 2: The Melting Pot (yum, yum, and yummmm!)

If you know me, you know that fondue is one of my FAVORITE things!
No complaints from Yakko either!
The Melting Pot was REALLY fun. And REALLY yummy. And... it was nice to sit down, relax, and enjoy a meal uninterrupted, but ok... we still missed him!! :)

Although we definitely missed the "3 Amigos" being together, Yakko and I so-enjoyed our rare night with just the 2 of us. So thankful for time together. :)

And a major-bonus...we got to see a couple of our other very favorite little people when we picked Max up the next day:

Lucy and Max: these 2 may be trouble in another year or so... 
Sweet cousins!
The more the merrier!! Can't wait for even more cousins!

Kissin' cousins:

Max LOVES his girly cousins!! 

"I sometimes wake in the early morning & listen to the soft breathing of my children & I think to myself, this is one thing I will never regret & I carry that quiet with me all day long." -Brian Andreas, StoryPeople

1 comment:

  1. My favorite, Jack Johnson, gotta love! Banana Pancakes too! Love your blogs! CN’T say enough! LOVE!
    Those cute lil pics of Max and cuzins!! Priceless!
