Monday, May 28, 2012

It's the Little Things... like painting on the sidewalk!

Our adventure-of-the-day involved one of Max's favorite things to do: PAINT!

Painting on paper? Anyone can do that... 
So, we tried out a new recipe for SIDEWALK PAINT. 
It was easy to make, WASHable, super-fun, and a great way to start this hot day!

Sidewalk paint secret recipe (shhhh): All it takes is 1 cup of cornstarch, 1 cup of water, and food coloring. A muffin tin makes the perfect artist's palette.

Ready to begin our sidewalk masterpiece!

A true Picasso! 
Crayola's got nothing on us! :)

And needless to say, after all that beautiful painting, we really needed to cool off on this hot, hot day.

Ever wondered how to avoid a water sprinkler?
Watch the video below and take notes:

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it." -Danny Kaye

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