Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's the Little Things... like flour memories!

One of my favorite childhood memories involves flour, a kitchen stool, and one of my favorite people I've ever known.

As a kid, my sweet Ms. Blanche let me stand in her kitchen, put my little grubby hands in her flour, and make a HUGE mess... playing in the flour! I love that memory.

 I always loved the cool, soft feel of that flour on my hands. I even loved the way it smelled. To this day, every time I smell or touch flour, that memory floods my mind.

While I'm no Ms. Blanche (although a girl can strive for it!),  our sweet Max did build a flour memory today.

I was so excited to find this FLOUR recipe for CLOUD DOUGH. (Just as messy as sand, but so much more fun!)

This was our adventure of the day today...

Ingredients: 1 bag of flour, 2 cups of baby oil... mixed together in a plastic tub! (How easy is that?!)

Excited... as always... to get MESSY!!!
The cloud dough has a really cool and unusual consistency: it can be molded , but still has the soft, flour feel.

Our cloud dough castle!

I loved passing on my flour-loving legacy! :)

"Happy memories become treasures in the heart to pull out on the tough days of adulthood." 
-Charlotte Davis Kasl

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