Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's the Little Things like... Band-Aids & Trike Wheels!

Mac-n-cheese, the color green, and tricycle-riding...
These are a few of our Max's favorite things.

Of these three favorites, I would venture to say that riding his trike might be at the very top of that list. And when I say that Max loves riding his tricycle I mean... he loves riding his tricycle.

Max is one mean, lean, trike-riding machine. So much, in fact, that the front tire of his trike has completely split open (in only one year of riding around our little neighborhood). There has been some serious rubber meeting the road. (As in, there is little to no "rubber" meeting the road anymore on his front tire.) Wonder how many miles those little legs have put on those three wheels?

GOOD NEWS: Max is quite the handy-man these days. Equipped with his tool bench and a tool box that Santa brought him for Christmas, there's not a problem that he can't fix. So, when Max saw that his precious tricycle needed fixing, he grabbed his tool box and was off to the rescue...

"This looks like something that I can handle!"
He brought Daddy in to survey the damage, as well.
And the finishing touch... a band-aid, which can make everything better. How resourceful!

And that tricycle really needed fixing because Max had some serious ground to cover this weekend, participating in his second triathlon (Small Fry Tri, that is)! This is one of my favorite Jackson events. Not only does it benefit the American Cancer Society, but it is also a BLAST. (See below for evidence of the fun!)

Pre-Race Stretches
Pre-Race Cuddles
Ready to start!
Leg 1 of the race: RUNNING
Leg 2 of the race: BIKING (Glad that band-aid held things together!)
Last leg of the race (and SERIOUSLY the most fun): SWIMMING, errr... SPRINKLING! (Notice that the fire department sprays the water directly from their truck. Just about the coolest thing a 3 year old can imagine.)
... And he crosses the finish line!!!!!
Waiting for his trophy!!
Our big winner!!
The best part of it all was running back through the water after the race was over. (Max also ran back though the streamer "finish line" at least 3 more times.) We cheered each time, and I'm pretty sure Max felt like he was the king of the race. (He totally was!) After the third time, though, we tried to re-direct because I think the finish line ladies were on to us. ;)

Pure giddiness! :) 

This was our second year of participating in this event, and it is already something I am looking forward to again next year. (Think that band-aid will hold until next year?! :) )

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." -Albert Einstein

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