Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's the Little Things... like a giraffe with a long long neck!

We were so excited when the "heat wave" broke for a bit this week! So excited that we planned for Friday to be our day to finally go to the zoo (a trip we've been looking forward to all summer long)! Finally some cooler temps to enjoy a day at the zoo... hooray! We daily followed the rain-soaked forecast: Friday- 40% chance of rain. Ok, great, 60% chance of no rain. 

So, Friday finally came... We woke up, charged and ready, for our day at the zoo... to the sound of... raindrops dancing on the roof. Doggone it! After scratching our heads, crossing our fingers, whispering prayers, counting our lucky stars, and answering Max's, "Wanna go to zoo?!" for the billionth time, we just got in the car- through the steady rain- and drove to Memphis. We decided we'd make lemonade out of our lemons. Gosh darn-it, we were going to the zoo.

Max has really been geared for the zoo all summer. The Kindermusik class that Max and I have attended for the past several weeks has had a "zoo" theme, we've checked out "zoo" library books, and let's face it, Max has pretended to be just about every animal at the zoo... from the lions to the zebras to the seals. Nothing was going to "rain" on our zoo parade...

Now, would you believe that right as we turned into that zoo parking lot (no joke), it was just like God turned off the faucet... not a drop of rain throughout our whole day!!

Finally at the zoo... and riding in STYLE!

Very high on our zoo priority list this year was a visit to the giraffes (with the "long, long necks"), which just so happen to be Max's favorite animals (at the moment). And did we ever get a visit with the giraffes this year, thanks to the zoo's new "feed the giraffes" exhibit (soooo cool):

Worth every penny!!! :)

We didn't leave the other animals lonely, though...

Elephants!! (My personal fave!)
The hilarious gorilla!! ("Are you talkin' to me?!")
Gators!! (Glad to view from a distance!)
Penguins!! (We were doing the "Happy Feet" dance!)
Sea lions!!
...And panda bears, oh my!!

We were regular zoo-experts by the end of the day:

...As we were walking out the gate on the way back to the car, the rain started coming down! We couldn't have had a better zoo-day!!

And the zoo animals were still on the loose this morning. Check out this "elephant" (with the "big big trunk"): 

Rubber boot front legs and a tshirt trunk... 2 1/2 year old cleverness (at its very best)! 

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." -Albert Einstein

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